NDC E-BIOS Contact


ISSN: Processing for application

NDC E-BIOS is a national level online peer-reviewed and academic research journal. It is dedicated to publish and disseminate the high-quality scientific research work in the broad field of biological sciences. It aims to publish peer reviewed original research, theoretical and practical advances in biological Sciences. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over India to promote, share, and discuss various new finding and developments in different areas of Biological Sciences.

Publisher: Dr. Soma Bandyopadhyay, Principal, Narasinha Dutt College, 129 Belilious Road, Howrah, West Bengal, India. 711101.
Subject Category: Biological Sciences [Anthropology, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Genetics etc.].
Language: English
Frequency: Annual

Editorial board

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Send your paper to:

Email: ndcebios@gmail.com
and e-bios@ndcollege.in